solutions at the speed of thought! (tm)
solutions at the speed of thought! (tm)

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your vision's possible.


5357 NC Highway 24
Newport, NC  28570
8330 E Quincy Ave, B209
Denver, CO  80237
306 W 3rd Street, 1102
Los Angeles, CA  90013

Whether you are requesting a quote on a new project, a status update on an existing project, or just some general information about the way we do business... We will be sure to respond to you within 48 hours.

At Synaptic Data Systems, Inc., we offer some extraordinary attributes for your benefit:  We have an outstanding work ethic, fine aesthetic sense, and interpersonal skills not normally associated with a technical shop.  Our first objective is to make a good impression to you, and to the users of your software or website.  Our second objective is to be so thorough in the execution of our tasks, that you won't require continual debugging or support.  We're here if you need us. We just don't expect to create a dependency.

Our code follows industry best-practices to the fullest extent possible, within project constraints.  The software we write is always well-structured, having meaningful and helpful names for all the variables and functions and fields of data.  We include plenty of comments, so the code becomes self-explanatory to those who follow behind to do maintenance tasks.  This shortens the work of future upgrades and enhancements, no matter whether we perform the job or you hire someone else.

We also make it our habit to include all the "grace notes" during the development of your project.  We apply CSS styles to make your application beautiful and consistent across all the popular browsers.  We include the SEO details which help websites to score well in search engines' natural results.

And of course you will receive all project files, upon the completion of your work.  That's just the way things ought to be.

Open a discussion with us, and let's compare ideas.  We're never happier than during these moments of insight and planning when solutions come together.  Your vision's possible.